   编辑:物电学院    来源: 加入日期:2024/09/07 17:18 阅读次数:




[1] 衡阳师范学院2023年度科研启动基金,主持,2024.1~2025.12

[2] 衡阳师范学院2023年度创新平台开放基金,主持,2024.1~2025.12


[1] Jieyao Tan; Zhiyong Jian; Shifang Xiao; Xiaofan Li; Kun Wang; Huiqiu Deng; Wenjun Zhu;Wangyu Hu; Effect of Li element on shocking behavior of Fe-Li alloys, International Journal of Mechanical Science, 2023, 247: 108165

[2] Jieyao Tan; Zhiyong Jian; Shifang Xiao; Xiaofan Li; Kun Wang; Liang Wang; Bowen Huang; Huiqiu Deng; Wenjun Zhu; Wangyu Hu; The mechanism of plasticity and phase transition in iron single crystals under cylindrically divergent shock loading, International Journal of Mechanical Science, 2022, 217: 107032

[3] Jieyao Tan; Keqiu Chen; Li-Ming Tang; Out-of-plane spontaneous polarization and superior photoelectricity in two-dimensional SiSn, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 2020, 32: 065003.

[4] Xingxing Jiang; Jieyao Tan; Dongyu Liu; Yexin Feng; Ke-Qiu Chen; Run Long; Andrey S.Vasenko; Improved Carrier Separation and Recombination by Ferroelectric Polarization in the CuBiP2Se6/C2N Heterostructure: A Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics Study, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2024, 15(10): 2867-2875.

地址:湖南省衡阳市珠晖区衡花路16号   邮编:421002  联系电话:0734-8484935  邮箱:gfzx@hynu.edu.cn 

版权:衡阳师范学院物理与电子工程学院  备案号:湘教QS3-200505-000049  湘ICP备05003883号
